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10 FAQs on ‘incompatible diet’ made me write!!

Yes I am taking a risk by writing this specific blog . Some people will be mad at me for enlisting their favourite food in the black list. Some people will not believe what they are reading. But most the people who are reading will thank me for the revelation of  the harsh facts  they may not be aware till they read this blog .

I received flood of queries and many requested to elaborate this incompatibility subject in more detail. I am collectively putting all the information in FAQ forms.

Here is the link of the previous blog for reference :  Be aware disaster chef busy in lab

1.What is incompatible diet or Virudhhanna?

One or more food items, having opposite natural properties when combined , cooked or processed separately or together in a way to alter and affect the original properties of ingredient and when consumed, is harmful to the body. This type of food, dish or recipe is called as incompatible diet or Virudhhanna in terms of Ayurveda

2.Why is it not compatible with the body?

Every food has unique physical as well as chemical properties, due to which they can have specific effect after their digestion in the body. The preparation method or combination of other foods can either favours, enhances the original properties or can alter, affects otherwise. The way we treat the food in any recipe or while consuming is called as the Sanskar (manner to make, cook or form) in Ayurveda. Different type of Sanskar is responsible to change the original properties.

E.g. heating the food is one type of Sanskar. If we he heat the butter we get ghee as end product which is favourable and nourishes the body. Whereas, when we heat the curd or honey we get the disintegrated forms of both as end products. These don’t nourish but causes harm. This example shows how n why some food combinations or wrong Sanskar in cooking is incompatible.

3.What are the examples of virudhhnna described in Ayurveda?

  • Fruits + milk (as in milkshake deserts, ice-creams, fruit followed by drinking milk or vice versa )
  • fish +milk either by combining or eaten separately followed by each other.
  • Curd heated and used as an ingredient
  • Milk +salt combined together in recipes .
  • Radish +milk together combined
  • Milk and melons together
  • Buttermilk heated and consumed or used in dishes
  • Ghee and honey in equal weight combined together.
  • Hot and cold food together are the examples of Virudhhanna described in Ayurveda.

4.What are the examples are of widely consumed Virudhhanna globally that may not be mentioned in Ayurveda?

To mentioned some of largely consumed incompatible food are

  • Almost all of the cocktails which are the wildest imagination of mixing the different property bearing juices and alcohol
  • Citrus fruit flavored milkshakes and ice creams
  • Use of milk, curd, cream, buttermilk in marinating or preparing curry and gravy
  • Extreme hot and cold things together on dish are hit nowadays like, fried hot ice-cream, hot brownie with cold ice-cream.
  • Fruit salad served with custard made from milk. fruit flavoured rabdi (condensed milk desert) esp. custard apple rabdi is highly allergic due to its mucous increasing property.
  • Many unusual flavoured alcoholic beverages as coffee cream liquor, white chocolate  and cocktails,mocktails  etc..
  • Sweets ,deserts and recipes that have honey as an ingredient and need to be cooked or heated.
  • Eating curd , rice and pickle together daily at night.
  •  Khichadi (cereal rice ) and milk together.
  • Many of the times the buffet we engorged on, in marriages and other functions with loads of variety of food not at all compatible with each other is a perfect example of virudhhnna. We indulge from spicy , tangy chaat , fried starters , Chinese sauce , Indian gravy  to Italian salads and finally ending with heavy sweets like Rabdi , and other milk deserts and to end with some ice-cream. If this is less some carbonated high sugar laced cold drink to gulp these things down the throat is common .

5.How and Why is it harmful?

Ayurveda has unique theory about food properties. Every food item has properties like hot and  cold nature . Tastes like sweet, salty, bitter, astringent etc.  undergo different mechanisms of digestion at various digestive organs. Also some food are easy to digest light(laghu) and some are difficult to digest heavy(guru) .

Considering all these, some combinations like sweet dominant and heavy things cannot go along with salty , bitter or tangy things . E.g.The heavy plain flour made donuts fried and simmered in high sugar syrups laced with artificial colours and flavours is the most tastiest form of virudhhnna .

Two or more heavy and cold property bearing food will not be digested properly and can be termed as incompatible diet.Combination of sweet and tangy , two or more Kaf increasing food, many different taste bearing food together cannot be digested and assimilated in body properly. Instead the digestive result is Aam ( toxins) which are acidic in Ph. and also vitiate the pitta dosha and rakt dhatu (blood, blood cells and circulatory system).

This improper product in digestion cannot nourish but instead starts accumulating in various micro channels causing impaired immunity and impaired nutrition.

6.What are the diseases caused by Virudhhnna?

Virudhhnna can cause simple indigestion to immune reactions and other serious autoimmune disorders. It depends upon the individual body type (prakriti) and the factors like consumption frequency, quantity , Rutu (effect of season on body dosha) , Desh (geological condition), other  affecting factors.

Ayurveda describes following diseases as the result of virudhhnna for long .

  • Indigestion
  • Anorectal Fissure and fistula (due to frequent constipation or loose motion as a result of poor digestion )
  • Hyperacidity
  • Rhinitis (allergic common cold)
  • Nutritional anaemia
  • Leucoderma
  • Eye disorders
  • Unexplained frequent abscess and boils
  • Colitis(irritable bowel syndrome
  • Generalised swelling on body
  • Autoimmune skin disorders like psoriasis, herpes etc.
  • Ascites
  • Infertility (due to sperm or ovum impairment )
  • Genetic abnormalities in offsprings
  • Overall poor immunity and health

7.Who are at more risk of effects of incompatible diet?

  • Children due to lesser developed immunity and natural kaf dominance in the childhood
  • People having Kaf or Pitta dominant prakriti ,
  • History of previous allergies
  • People  who doesn’t follow the diet , sleep , exercise trio
  • People who have Agni vikruti (improper appetite or less digestion power)
  • Old age in which the immunity is already lowered and Agni is very poor.
  • People with chronic illness.

8.Who are immune to the Virudhhanna?

  • It is seen that despite of consuming Virudhhanna for long time, it doesn’t affect some people. If the Virudhhanna is consumed in very less quantity and very rarely ,it doesn’t affect the health to serious extent.
  • If the person has a very strong digestive power, which we call Agni in Ayurveda , the person becomes immune to incompatible diet. But remember when the Agni is lowered in the same person he or she is at high risk of same.
  • The young age with good endurance can tolerate the incompatible diet for some years. But it does affect the micro metabolism in body, though manifestation of diseases is delayed.
  • Some people due to habitual nature ,cultural adaptation ,genetic adaption and the geological condition in which they live can adapt the incompatible diet without or very less adverse effects .But when Agni got impaired ,the geological conditions changes and in old age one can suffer from the incompatible diet easily.

9. What are the factors responsible of incompatibility ?

  • Geological condition(Desh): Dry,cold, leftover food (e.g. dried meat, dried vegetable , preserved dried ready to eat food etc.) in the place having dry weather is incompatible. Sticky, more mucous generating , liquid, sour, cold , heavy (eg.curd, cheese,sticky , more liquid in nature food) in damp, rainy wet places are incompatible
  • Seasonal factors(Rutu): Food that is extreme cold in nature and temperature consumed in winter will act as incompatible food. In hot continents extreme spicy , hot and heavy food is incompatible
  • Incompatible with Agni: people having less digestive capacity or those who have developed digestive disorders if consume food heavy , in large quantity or the described examples of food are at risk of incompatibility. Also if the person having strong appetite if consumes less food than required it will impair the metabolism.
  • Against the adaption nature of body (Satmya): the food which is not habitual to the body at all if consumed regularly and in large quantity can act as virudhhnna e.g. sudden  change in lifestyle and food habit especially seen in people who usually go out of their country
  • Wrong cooking manner(Sanskar): it is discussed in above points e.g. heating curd , honey or buttermilk in cooking. Equal weight of honey and ghee together mixed and consumed is incompatible according to Ayurveda.
  • Physical condition(Awastha) : people who are highly active physically should not eat dry, hard and vaat dosha increasing diet . people who are not active physically if consume heavy , oily , Kaf dosha increasing food and in large quantity is incompatible. Eating food without hunger , holding the hunger for long followed by heavy food is highly incompatible as it affects the Agni and metabolism
  • Food quality(Sampat ) : Food which is not at its normal form , taste  , not able to nourish , rotten , half cooked , half ripened , raw , unseasonal is considered as incompatible e.g. artificial ripening of bananas , mangoes and  other fruits , artificial sweetening , wax coating to increase the shelf life of food , artificial colours and high salt in RTE(Ready To Eat)food are the well-known examples which are incompatible

10.what is the solution for the virudhhnna caused diseases?

  • Once you are aware of the truth avoid and stop consuming the virudhhnna
  • Eating food which is suitable for your body type and other factore described in Que. number 9
  • Ayurveda physician will guide you regarding the diet
  • The diseases caused by the virudhhnna needs to correct the whole metabolism and the various system purifications . Panchkarma is the solution for almost all the virudhhnna caused ailments
  • The chronicity , prakriti , type of system involved is to be assessed to decide the course of Panchkarma
  • Some herbal medicine to pacify the Tridosha in body need to be taken only after the consultation

After having a long discussion on what food should not be eaten , the 11th question naturally arises OMG…then  what should be consumed regularly to keep healthy?

Coming soon with the answer of this question ….Keep Reading …Stay Connected !!!!

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9 thoughts on “10 FAQs on ‘incompatible diet’ made me write!!”

    1. Lukewarm water does not change the chemical bonds of honey but hot or boiling water, heating the honey or using it in cooking does changes the orginal chemical structure of honey .Heating it produces a chemical called hydroxymethyl furfuraldehyde (HMF) ,increased peroxides. After heating the molecules of honey forms glue like sticky form which adheres to the microchannel in digestive system resulting in slow digestion and toxic effects after digestion . So be aware when you use honey in recipes.

  1. Hello Dr Rupali ,
    Khup chan mahiti miltey tumcha blog var … Thanks for all your efforts.

    Mala palak paneer hya combination baddal vicharaych hota… Calcium + iron he combination pan viruddha ahar ahe ka ?

    1. Dear Pratiksha,
      Thanks for your kind words. Ca & Iron nahi pan dudh dudhache padarth aani bhajya he ikatr khane yogy nahi. Khup pramanat n kayam ase khane he virudhhna hoy.
      Keep reading and sharing

  2. Hello Dr. Rupali,

    I really liked the article and very informative indeed.
    I have question regarding the “Kadhi” we prepare from buttermilk. You have described Buttermilk heated and consumed or used in dishes is “Virudhhanna”. We heat the buttermilk while preparing “Kadhi”. Will you please comment on it?

  3. Wow, this was such a helpful read! The information you’ve shared is not only practical but also very relevant for anyone trying to improve their health.
    I love how you kept things simple. I’m going to link to this article on my own blog about healthy eating –
    I know my audience will find it super helpful. Thanks for this
    awesome content!

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