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Be special , make special , don’t miss on these in Diwali!

Diwali is the festival which is celebrated all over the India and as well other parts of the globe. Of all the other festivals Diwali is special for various reasons of its own. Lightening of diyas , mouthwatering food that is made on Diwali specially. Apart from those festival days the preparation part is fun too .

This Diwali don’t miss on these things

  1. Fun in cleaning the home : This is the must and  much earlier part of preparation of Diwali.I am sure everybody has childhood memories of cleaning of the house before Diwali. everything needs to update , sort, rearrange and if needed discard. I still remember how i used to get lost in the old things in our house . It was a different world of fascination, imagination and playing with those used to be fun only till i hear Mom scolding me for just sitting and playing and getting her work more complicated . I think we should give the same experience to our children too.
  2. Preparing the dishes : Ahem ….this point is little debatable as i too am not keen to make Diwali dishes at home as my sweet mother in law take charge of them before i reach my hometown .Most of us do not make the dishes at home due to various valid reasons. But i still remember the fun making them at home some years back and in my childhood . We should try at least one or two dishes at home with the help of kids .Also if we have to buy from outside go for the person which make it on homely basis in stead of some famous brand. It will surely add value to the persons life as well yours too.
  3. Shopping : Shopping is no more a thing of leisure now . We buy clothes and other things now and then just like vegetables and grocery . Then why not on Diwali? I have seen some persons saying whats new ? why on Diwali? I don’t buy anything or do anything special on Diwali. Why not but ? Go for meaningful shopping on this Diwali for yourself and others too. Gift your best friend ,surprise your maid, donate some books to your nearest library or <strong>forget Social work</strong> , buy something special for yourself that you usually avoid for the whole year. Make the moments special deliberately.
  4. Follow the customs:Many people don’t like the rituals that are followed in Diwali.Its O.K. to keep your rational (?)thoughts aside for some time if doing so can bring smile on many faces.Wake early surprise you mom do what she say . Get yourself pampered by the warm Abhyang oil . Experience the aroma , have the non ending health benefits of it not only on Diwali but through out the year. Let your mother or near one apply the Ubtan which is the must and basic essence of Diwali, Don’t make faces and get irritated by it . Follow the rituals, wear the traditional .
  5. Meet the people :Diwali is the best auspicious occasion one can use to bond with people. Make a list of the people who you like , love , care for and are important to you but you couldn’t meet for long. It will add value to Your<strong> social health</strong> for sure .While writing this, even i am feeling guilty as i can see the non ending list of people that i should meet and talk to.
  6. Gorge on the food: The combination of dishes prepared on Diwali is wholesome. It balances the sweet and spicy tastes so beautifully. Have the benefit of them . Keep your caloric bouncers in mind out of the gate . Anything excess is fatal is the password to avoid the health problems because of eating. Basically the culprit in such cases is not the Dishes but the person eating wrong way , excess and insulting his or own appetite . So never blame the traditional dishes for you indigestion or other health problem. Guys be choosy and strict while buying outside dishes . Avoid the outside sweet strictly.
  7. Decoration :Diwali is a festival of everything that is beautiful.Decorate the home , surrounding and workplace . Involve in the process , get the fun out of it , learn something new if you are not good at decorating. eyepleasing things surely add the happiness in your moments . Memories are mostly associated with the vision. make your memories more decorative.
  8. Diya: Diya is the only things that comes in mind the very moment one say Diwali! Let your Diwali be full of clay made Diyas . Avoid the electric bulbs and lighting.Electric lights don’t have the ability to sooth your eyes , make surrounding spiritual , peaceful mild light of diyas can bring the sense of tranquility , happiness and fulfillment . Moreover it is echo friendly too. Buy raw Diyas , decorate them , paint them , gift them , use them to fill the light in your life.
  9. Crackers ….hmmm : Personally i love the crackers very much. But safety , health and keeping surrounding unpolluted is more important anytime. Wisely choose the crackers. Be sensible to lessen the noise and air pollution. Seriously i am waiting for the Herbal , Ayurvedic Patanjali Crackers . Apart from humor i would love if echo friendly crackers are invented . I believe they will soon . Minimize the quantity and time of use of crackers.
  10. Be aware of someone who is not lucky as you : Be available for those.Bring smile, see them wear some good, eat something good , make them feel that you too are the same part of world that they live in and  show them that the world is not as cruel or bad or ugly as they think or are suffering.

Be a human  with real functional heart and not just the some beating and pumping machine inside you!

Wishing all of my readers a very Happy , Healthy and Prosperous Diwali !

(This write belongs to Dr.Rupali Panse . Share with the due credit about author)

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