
Food Guru: Your Guide to Eating Right!
The evolution of knowledge is toward simplicity, not complexity!
‘Food Guru’ thoroughly reflects this quote and confirms that in the downpour of complex books about Diet, food and healthy recipes, this is not just another book. Food Guru literally holds your finger and makes sure you achieve wellness through nutrition. You are unique and so are your nutritional needs. Food Guru enables the reader to understand their own body through Ayurvedic wisdom. It answers the logical curiosity of readers where current nutrition lacks and how holistic approach is the best solution. Once you know your inner self well, the path to correct nutrition is a cake walk. Rupali Panse through this book removes the complicated barriers like complex nutritional information, calorie measured foods and difficult recipes. She honestly pours her efforts to make your food journey more mindful and tasteful. This book is a personal mentor for easy, delicious, sustainable recipes with more than 130+ healthy recipes. The concepts and recipes here break the barrier of traditions, geography and are helpful for people globally.
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उदरस्थ नैवेद्य ते चिअर्स
शेगडीपासून ओव्हनपर्यंत, फडताळापासून फ्रिजपर्यंत स्वयंपाकघराच्या स्वरूपात बदल होत गेला. पाटावर बसून निवांतपणे जेवायची सवय धावपळीच्या जगात डायनिंग टेबलाने घेतली प्रसंगी बुफे पार्टीत उभं राहून जेवणाला पसंती मिळू लागली. ‘वसुधैव कुटुंबकम्’ म्हणत जगाच्या कानाकोपऱ्यातले पदार्थ उदरभरण करू लागले. ऋतूनुसार आहारशैलीची जागा जिभेचे चोचले पुरवणाऱ्या ‘टू मिनिट्स’, ‘एनी टाइम’ पदार्थांनी घेतली. ‘अतिपरिचयात अवज्ञा’ झालेल्या या निरनिराळ्या पदार्थांच्या आणि योग्य आहाराच्या पोटात काय आहे ते किती खावे हे जाणून घेऊ या…थोडक्यात काय! तर या पोटाचं गुपित ओठांवर आणू या.
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