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Everything you must know about Basti

People are following Ayurveda principles and for many of them Ayurveda is becoming religion . Some people swear by Panchkarma but very few know what exactly Panchkarma is. Basti is one of the most seek  and practiced therapy by us Ayurveda consultants . Patients highly appreciate the results of basti. Patients have many doubts and myths about it too. In this blog i tried to answer majority of the frequently asked questions about Basti.

1. What is Basti?      

Basti is a treatment modality included in Panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda. In simple language, it may be explained as enema.But enema is mainly given for only evacuation of colon and not for any therapeutic purpose .Basti is given to balance the Vata dosha and the diseases due to Vata dosha. Basti is considered as the best way to keep the colon healthy and in turn the Vata dosha too.

2.How basti is given ?                                                                                                                                            

The procedure of Basti is just like enema i.e. introducing the medicine through the rectum using a soft rubber tube and syringe so that it reaches the large intestine or colon

3.What is used as medicine in Basti ?

Various medicated oil and decoction according to the diseases and individual body type are used for the Basti therapy

4.How frequently Basti should be taken?                                                                                                        

In case of diseases 8 ,15, 21 Basti are suggested as per the indication . Your Ayurveda physician will decide it . When you are fit and want the benefit of Basti for well being and prevention of Vata disorders ,the 8 days , 5 days or even 3 days Basti are advised at regular interval and proper season too. In some cases very small quantity of oil Basti is advised regularly .

5.Does it cause loose motions , is it painful?                                                                                

No, it doesn\’t cause loose motion , or pain or any major discomfort.

6.Can i take basti without disturbing my work schedule?                                                     

Yes, fortunately  it is very simple procedure and you can continue your most of the usual routine as it is .

7.I have regular bowel habits and don\’t suffer from constipation , i do not need Basti , Do i ?                      

Yes you do need BastiBasti is not just removing stool form colon  but has tremendous healing potential for countless diseases. Your physician will guide you for other details and explain the hidden benefits of Basti treatment. It restores the health of many organs and systems in abdomen.

8.How the Basti works ?

Intestines or colon has number of folds. The fecal material sticks,  obstructes the mucosal blood circulation. It is just like hidden dirt at various corners in home in spite of regular cleaning. Similarly, even a person having regular bowel movement, the fecal material accumulates at certain folds in the intestine.. This pressure naturally diminishes the oxygenated blood to the organs and also affects the return of deoxygenated blood towards the heart. The decoction literally flushes the colon in Basti and medicated oils lubricate intestines and allow the fecal material to get eliminated and ensure excellent blood circulation to all the visceral organs. Apart from this the medicines used to prepare oils and decoctions balances the Vata and other doshas . It results in achieving the expected results in diseases . Though the medicine is given in colon it has effects on other abdominal organs too because of its dosha balancing properties

9.Who are not fit for Basti?

  • Bleeding  painful piles
  • Recent surgery of colon or digestive track
  • Known cases of anorectal , rectovaginal or other fistulas
  • Perforated gut
  • Prolapse of rectum
  • Diarrhea
  • Vommiting
  • Bleeding disorders or frank bleeding from colon .
  • In some cases of tumor of colon
  • Children less than age 3year ( cases varies as per indications )

10. In which diseases Basti is used?

  • Almost every condition of bone and joint diseases  as Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Gout, Rheumatoid Arthritis , Spondylitis , Ligament diseases , Knee joint pathologies 
  • Acute or chronic constipation
  • Colitis ,some other abdominal conditions due to improper digestion.
  • Parasitic infections(worms)
  • Infertility : Basti is very effectively used in the cases for infertility for both partners
  • Menstrual pain and other menstrual diseases
  • P.C.O.D. and Endometriosis
  • In  few cases of children in case of severe worms.
  • Urinary calculus ( stones)
  • Urinary Bladder disorders
  • Neuro muscular painful conditions
  • For general benefit to pacify the Vata dosha.

These are some generally asked questions about basti. The monsoon season is the season of Vata dosha to dominate the body functions. This is the best time to pacify the Vata dosha before it causes damage in body. So we always advise for basti in this particular season.Meet your Ayurveda doc and get the benefits of basti.

( This write up belongs to Dr.Rupali Panse . Feel free to ask for queries. )

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12 thoughts on “Everything you must know about Basti”

  1. Pingback: Head up gorgeous: Figure it out ! – drrupalipanse

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    1. Hello it is always better to consult an Ayurveda doctor before you decide. Try to avoid taking it at home. Later on your doc will give you green signal for regular bastis that can be taken in home.

  3. Respected ma’am
    My daughter is getting her Basti done in Indore. She is suffering from severe bloating for the last one year. She has been getting pains after Basti. Pls guide us.

    1. Dear Amrita
      Ideally basti is compcomple painless. Kindly make sure you get the tretreatm from regiregisterdrAyurveda doctor and not any Ayurveda spa.
      There are various reasons for pain. From negligence to contraindications.
      Do consult a good doctor.
      for furtfur assistance email me
      Keep reading and sharing

  4. Dear Mam,
    Very important information has been shared here. My one year old daughter has been suggested to give basti in her developmental delay. I want to know if how will it help and for how long it should be given.

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