No man is happy and safe without hobby!
This is the time when we have to intentionally draw our attention to the word hobby . The days are engaging us technologically ,stealing our peace and joy and taking us away from our soul. How many people we saw around us nowadays whose  hobbies we know ? How many of us are enjoying or following hobbies ? Sadly very few.
Hobby is an activity or interest pursued for pleasure or relaxation and not as a main occupation
But why hobbies ?what is so special about hobbies? I know we want results , we want output from everything even from hobbies !
Lets see what wonders can hobbies do.
- A break with a purpose: You will wonder if i say many people don’t know what to do when they have time or when they take break. Crowded malls is one of the proofs around us. Following  hobby in your leisure time can be a great break to the body and mind too.The satisfaction is beyond words .
- Eu stress yourself :Â Eu stress is exactly opposite to the stress . It is a positive kind of stress which nullifies the negative stress you are carrying in your life .Hobbies generates the feeling of joy, excitement and enhance the positive will power.Finding and exploring what you like is very important.Sooner the better specially in case of children.
- Promote socially or unite together : Hobbies help you connect with like minded people and it is always an enriching experience.This togetherness promotes the positive personality building.
- Introspection:Â Hobbies help explore your inner self . Art or many creations are the reflection of ones personality or emotional states . We can find a ‘new me’ every time with the hobby. Introspection is the important virtue to keep mental , emotional state in balance .
- Hobbies can help come out of addictions and depression:  Proper implementation of hobbies in the cases of chronic addiction and depression cases has shown significant positive results with other management and treatment .Engaging in the positive hobby or activity  one love always keep the person on the right track in life.
- Hobbies inspire : Have you ever thought your small hobbies can inspire somebody positively and bring a tremendous good change in their life too. Yes hobby has power to do so .
- Hobby can be a career :Â Lucky are those who do career in hobby they love ! These people seldom have occupational stress.Never underestimate your liking and small things you like or want to do. They can pay you lifetime that too with the bonus in terms of joy , peace and fulfillment.
- Hobby is an exercise to  mind: We all know how exercise is important to keep us healthy and fit . Exercise is needed for the mental health also . To keep our mind away from negative thoughts and stressful emotional blocks hobby is the greatest ,easiest and most enjoyable exercise for mental health.
- Recognition : You are recognized by hobbies u keep or follows .Hobbies define you as a person in society. To know what is our hobby is itself a great achievement for one in this world of texts, screens, webs , chat and gadgets .
- Physical health benefit of hobby: Some hobbies like trekking or other in which physcial activity is involved is a blessing for ones physical health .
So get up , find what you like and ….
GO live ….GO HOBBY!
Must needed post.
Thank u.
True. But now s days all hobbies are killed by WhatsApp and Face book.
Very good article. A good reminder for all of us in these days of technology – Dr. Deepak Gayal