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“I wish my dessert is as healthy as it tastes”

Show me the person who  doesn’t wish to gorge on his or her favorite sweet dish . But alas ! we cant .  The only concern to avoid the dessert or sweet dish is naturally the health .

Most of the outside desserts or sweets in shops due to the ingredients like refined sugar , maida(plain flour ), butter , cheap and unhealthy oil or ghee for frying, adulterated khoya, artificial colors and flavors are considered to be not so health friendly .

Coming days are the days of festival which means the days of sweets and sweets and sweets only . Shops around you will be full of colorful mithai(sweets) and beautiful cakes and pastries . Dear reader please be aware of the all types of the adulteration right from milk derivatives to cheap and banned chemicals ,flavors and colors .

People  are aware and try to avoid buy outside sweets . But one should also know the substitute that is quite healthy and safe comparing to the outside sweets .

Traditional sweets is always the best option one can have to the dangerous outside attractive health enemies. But considering the time, energy and complicated recipes most of us non willing to make them at home . That is very natural .

Trying to put one very common but neglected and less prepared or cherished traditional tasty and healthy dish in a little innovative way .

Coconut Barfi (Coconut Desert )


Fresh coconut finely grated 1 bowl

Sugar (khadisakhar) :1/2 bowl

(For various color and flavors  beetroot juice 2 tsp /  spinach juice  2 tsp / coco powder 2 to 3 tsp )  We can use orange juice , mango juice, Jamun juice , saffron , Strawberries. As very small quantity is being used for color and flavor it is not incompatible with the original food. It doesn’t affect the qualities of coconut and goes along well in taste.

Yes that is all, the ingredients are that simple. Recipe is simpler . Cant wait to prepare it ?

Go ahead just mix the coconut and sugar in thick pan and keep on low flame . Heat and stir till the whole mixture get little thick and leaves the pan when stirred . Add any above mentioned natural color mix well and spread the mixture evenly on plate when it is hot . As it get cooler it will  be ready to cut in desired shapes . I have used the  cookie cutter and got the amazingly shaped mouthwatering , tasty and pretty healthy desert.

Arrange them in glass bowl , topped with dried fruits , whipped cream, rabadi(condensed milk) without sugar , or boiled sweet sevai (noodle) . The result will be splendid , trust me ! Decorate or present this traditional dish with a different touch of your own imagination and get ready to see the satisfied faces of your family and guests.

Quick look on health benefits

  • Coconut is a highly praised food in Ayurveda.
  • It is predominant in the sweet taste,
  • It has cooling effect on the body .
  • It balances pitta and Vata.
  • It nourishes and promote contentment and satisfaction in the mind – due to its sweet taste.

A win win situation ,isn’t it ?

looking forward to share such more simple and healthier traditional desserts .

Relish the delicacy enjoy the Festivals !

(The write up and images right belongs to Dr. Rupali Panse )

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4 thoughts on ““I wish my dessert is as healthy as it tastes””

  1. Good morning dear Rupali…
    This recipe is amazing with natural colors .. I have tasted when u send it …These healthy colors really does’t affect the qaulity of Coconut Burfi .. Delicious dessert..I am going to make it soon..
    Thanks for sharing..
    All the best..

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