- The first to introduce the concept and definition of health and further include physical and psychological health as whole health.
- Charak samhita is globally accepted as the first literature to introduce the concept of metabolism,digestion, immunity and etiology
- The concept of eight stages of diseases from inception to culmination.
- First to address the role of psychology in the pathology of various physical and mental diseases
- It elaborates the classification and properties of natural minerals, animal derived and plant derived elements.
- It states Medical ethics,Etiquette for doctors as well as for patients.
- A thorough and holistic approach towards food for maintaining health.Description and detailed analysis with properties of almost all edible things present on earth in that era.
- The pioneer of unique idea of personal hygiene and community health.
- Interdependence of season,geography,health ,diseases and the preventative measures by adapting the right lifestyle and food habits.
- Concept of prakriti(constitution of body )which is the essence of Ayurveda science.
- Concept of macro and micro digestion and tissue metabolism.
- Description of non suppressible urges and their role in causing various diseases (One should not hold natural urges like urination,defecation, sneezing,burp,tears,coughing etc)
- Description of suppressible urges like ill thinking, talking or deeds.(Now this is globally accepted as Cognitive Behavioral therapy for psychological health.)
- Almost all about the exercise and everything related to the exercise and acquired physical fitness.
- Method of gradual acquirement of wholesome and withdrawal of unwholesome habits (De-addiction in simple language)
- Preventive methods of endogenous(those diseases who are caused due to pathology in body)
- Causes,treatment of endogenous mental diseases. (The unique concept Ayurveda offered to modern psychology field)
- Description and role of sense organs in physical and psychological health.
- Qualities of physician,qualities of nursing staff, qualities of medicinal drug and qualities of patients too.(A real need to overview in society today is described thousands of years ago)
- Diagnosis and Prognosis ( easily curable,hard to cure, non curable diseases etc)
- Four fold clinical methods of investigations (Signs of authority,direct observation,interference and reasoning )
- Three pursuits that fulfill and even decide the overall health (pursuit for life, pursuit of wealth, pursuit of future consequences)
- Theory of self destruction( Swabhavoparamovaad)
- The origin of basic six taste present in more or less in every element.
- Dietetic incompatibilities.
- Concept of epidemic diseases.
- Sixteen mental constitutions/personalities.(Manas prakriti)
- Concepts in embryology, maternal health , management of labour and neonatal care.
- Concept of preventive medicine and therapies.
- Geriatric medicine for restoration of health( Rasayan chikitsa)
Awesome, would love to get more detailed information on it
yes every point can be a separate article itself 🙂
Gr8 madam
Inception to culmination
It should be from infection to fully developed disease
Hi Dr.Shrikant ,
Thanks for reading .
No i mean inception only and not infection .The inception word denotes the term ‘initiation’ …
Very greatful information about health.
very good.